Momentum Marketing

How to Get Customers to Buy When You’re Still Building the Product

Book 1 & 2 were released. Book 3 is coming.

You are about to create a new product but you are paranoid - what if no one buys it?

You know you have a good idea and you know the basics of launching, so you jump into building it, making a sales page, setting a launch date, and promoting it in every possible way you can. You hope that enough people will click “Buy” and some will share it with their friends.

But from your experience, it was hard enough to get people to buy it, let alone get people to support you at the launch. Worst, you can only find out all these on the launch date.

You don’t want that to happen again.

But what isn’t working? Is it your idea?

We all experienced this at least a few times in our business journey. It is quite a confidence crusher.

You start questioning if you picked the wrong idea to work on, if you didn’t do a good job in building up the awareness, or if you weren’t a good fit for building and selling your own products.

Should you give up and create another product? Should you revise and launch this same product again?

Don't. Because this is a marketing problem.

You need a better framework to help you build anticipation and gear up for the buzz.

  • What if you can bring people on early so they are excitedly waiting for your product launch?
  • What if you can convince people to buy while you are developing the product?
  • What if you can find leverage by getting a group of customers to share and cheer for you at the launch?

This is exactly what happened behind these launches when I was still early in my journey.

Introducing Momentum Marketing: How to Get Customers to Buy When You’re Still Building the Product

There are two reasons why people don’t buy at your launch. They are either not aware of your product or they are not excited about your product. You haven’t shown them enough to trigger that buying emotion.

You are putting too much attention on the logistics of a launch, e.g. a product name, a sales page, a launch date, etc. And you are putting too much pressure on yourself to do everything, like creating 20 pieces of content to post in the several weeks leading up to the launch.

Let’s just say selling a product doesn’t work like that.

We now live in a world hugely driven by personal stories, opinions, and recommendations, so you want to find a way to work with customers even before you launch the product. This is where a waitlist comes in.

The Momentum Marketing Flywheel has 4 parts to guide you to build momentum with your waitlist so that you can get to your buzzing launch.

Momentum Marketing Framework

1. People - Your leads and customers love helping you to improve your product. They are also happy to be your advocates so you get more customers. You need to show them how.

2. Proof - Most people are not early adopters. They want to know how others rate your product before they buy it. Convince them.

3. Promotion - You can’t put out sale-sy marketing materials because they don’t work anymore. Instead, you have a ton of stories in your pocket that can get people super excited about buying your product.

4. Psychology - It is not about checking off boxes when you launch a new product. You want to deploy tactics to get people to take action early.

What’s unique about this flywheel?

I’m sure you find a lot of free or paid launch formulas on the Internet. Some focus on using advertisements to drive traffic. Some focus on writing email sequences to persuade people to buy.

While they make sense (depending on your situation), they are not for you if you don’t have much to work with. If you don’t have a large audience or a marketing budget, you can’t play those games.

One game you can play is focusing on the people you’ve already attracted and leveraging their actions and reactions to create more momentum for your launch. This is a game you can play and win.

Now, let’s imagine you’re opening a new pizza restaurant.

This is your first one so you don’t have any supporters to rely on. You do a soft opening for six weeks with a small menu. Everything is a work in progress. You talk to every customer to collect feedback and iron out last-minute kinks. 

You ask these early customers to leave positive reviews and post on social media. This drives foodie magazines and influencers to visit and share this new place with their audiences.

On the official opening (launch) day, you have a super long line waiting outside and pedestrians turn to their friends and say “What are they waiting for? Let’s try this place sometime!”

This is what the Momentum Marketing is all about.

Launch your next product with ease


You will get Book 1 & 2 right away.

You will also receive Book 3 when it is out.

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What’s inside?

The 4 essential parts of the flywheel in pre-launch
It is not enough to create a sales page, set a launch date, and talk about your product on social media relentlessly. If you want to hit desirable launch sales, you have to involve the community, build up your credentials, humanize your promotions, and finally, leverage psychology.

The 5 steps to build demand (starting before the product is built)
It is a mistake to only kick-start marketing when you are about to launch a new product. The truth is you can already build awareness as early as the product development phase and extend it all the way to post-launch. You’ll be guided through the 5 steps and know what to do at each step.

How to use beta round & early access to build your credentials
Creating content to show off your product is a weak marketing strategy. If you want to get people to buy, you’ll need to show who is using the product and what they are using the product for. Beta rounds and early access are ways to get useful feedback and extract true stories.

How to design incentives to build your waitlist
If you have a form that people can opt in to get updates on your soon-to-be-launched product, good! But if you want to go from good to great, you have to design incentives to motivate people to join your list and take early action throughout the pre-launch period. This has a significant impact on your buzzing launch.

The art of motivation in pre-sell
Psychology is powerful but you don’t want to use it to manipulate people. Because people like to procrastinate, what you want is to motivate people to take action earlier. You’ll find out that it is not just about adding more to your offer, you can already get results from small tweaks.

Real case studies
We learn better when we see what others are doing. This is why you’ll get examples from successful entrepreneurs at different stages. You can replicate good strategies or reference and tweak them to fit your situation.

How launch day can be relaxing
Instead of going around to tell people that you’ve launched a new product (which is hectic), you’ll use a different lens to look at a launch day. You’ll focus on amplifying that buzz that you’ve engineered and, of course, you’ll also look at the sales dashboard because you are also a human like all of us.

How to extend the launch momentum to drive more sales
A lot of people like to take a few days off after the launch day because it is all too overwhelming. This is a big mistake. When sales are rolling in and people are talking about your product, it is your chance to leverage that to reach even more people. Yes, you can take a break, but let’s wait a few more days.

What’s the format?

This is a text-based course, so you can consider this a book too.

Text is still the most effective way to learn (I talked about it in this podcast episode) as it allows you to:

  • Get to the learning faster
  • Take notes easily
  • Revisit anytime

Who is this not for?

  • If you want to set up an automatic sales funnel (without talking to anyone) so that it can do all the selling for you, this is not for you.
  • If you don’t enjoy getting feedback and interacting with people, this is not for you.
  • If you aren’t sure what product you want to create, this is not for you.
  • If you can’t come up with at least 5 people around you who will potentially buy your product, this is not for you.

Launch your next product with ease


You will get Book 1 & 2 right away.

You will also receive Book 3 when it is out.

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